January Recap – New Data Coverage, Simulated Trading, New B2B Charting

Feb 18, 2015

Worldwide Data including India and London

Research and view data from more new exchanges for free! Bombay & National SE of India (daily data for now), London SE (daily data for now), virtually all FX pairs in the world (real-time)!. Moscow SE coming online in 2-3 weeks. Europe, Asia, Canada, Australia, Brazil and others coming soon.


Sim Trading Beta Live

Simulated trading = practice buying and selling without actual money being involved on TradingView. You get $100,000 of fake money to practice and test investment strategies on your portfolio. Users are investing, providing invaluable feedback and loving it!


Charting Library 1.1 released

Released a powerful update to the charting library, which is the industry’s best (and free!) B2B charting solution. It’s got 15 languages, tons of features, and more!


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